Friday, November 21, 2008

Random thoughts Part 2

Why is it sometimes that people get judged for something that was done a long time ago,
Generally speaking, how someone like me who tries to forget the past, but yet find themselves looking the past dead in the eyes. Normally, I wouldn't be this upset over something from long ago, but forces beyond my control keep shoving it back in my face and it pisses me off.
But as the saying goes...shit happens. Let's just say I was a bad boy in my younger days and now it seems I'm made to suffer for it even now...16 years later. I've already paid my debt to society and yet... wham!!! .the past shows it's ugly face once again and I'm sick of hearing about it, but oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Guess I'll just have to wait and see, that's all for now.

Random thoughts

See the above....