Saturday, May 2, 2009


I know I haven't blogged in some time, but really, all it mainly was me venting and just simply giving my opinion on things that I felt needed to be addressed, other than that, just the typical day for me, I am still working and still putting up with the same bulls*it, but in these tough economic times, beggars can't be choosers, so I will still blog when the mood strikes me and I can assure you that I will not stop. until next time....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Stupid people

I really hate stupid people, people who call in that are not sick or just plain don't want to work, I know I've spoken of this before, but this is ridiculous, in other news, When I first started working at my current job, I made the mistake of telling the boss that if she needed me I would be available, if needed, well now it seems that it's being used a little too much, now I don't mind working the hours, but there are some times when it gets out of hand, now it seems I'm the only that will work on my days off, some days I just want to scream, others I just say f*ck it and do it, yeah the extra money is fine, but how 's about someone else stepping up to the plate too.....anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, until next time....PEACE

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More Random thoughts and other things

Hell0, I'm back again for another edition of Random thoughts.....

To start off, I'm a little tired of people bitching' and whining' about their hours.
Some people just don't get it, they piss and moan that some one has more hours than they do.
All I can say is..get over it!! It's not my fault that some people either don't want to work or come up with an excuse on why they can't make it in, then they try and switch with someone else so they can get more hours for themselves but yet when they are needed at their jobs, oh,I can't because I already have plans!! that's BS!! You're either lazy or you just don't want to make money for themselves, but oh well, not my problem, some people shouldn't be put in a position of power at all.
Not to say that the younger kids can't handle it, some can, some can't, so far I've seen a lot that can't, not to say I can do better, anyways, that's all for now.... until next time, peace

Friday, December 12, 2008


1.Web head
5.Uncle Paulie
7.Paul Wall
8.Paul A

And that, my friends is the top 10 nicknames of 2008, hope y'all enjoyed it.
1.what cell phone
2.What sig. other?
3.Dark Brown
5.who cares?
6.Video games
7.Don't remember
9.Living Room
10.Video games
12.Fortress of solitude
16 Arizona
17.Win the Super Bowl (Madden 09)
18.T shirt and shorts
20.Mom hehe
24.what car?
28.not yet
31.don't remember
41.Color commentator NFL

These are the one word answers, enjoy!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Random thoughts Part 2

Why is it sometimes that people get judged for something that was done a long time ago,
Generally speaking, how someone like me who tries to forget the past, but yet find themselves looking the past dead in the eyes. Normally, I wouldn't be this upset over something from long ago, but forces beyond my control keep shoving it back in my face and it pisses me off.
But as the saying goes...shit happens. Let's just say I was a bad boy in my younger days and now it seems I'm made to suffer for it even now...16 years later. I've already paid my debt to society and yet... wham!!! .the past shows it's ugly face once again and I'm sick of hearing about it, but oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Guess I'll just have to wait and see, that's all for now.

Random thoughts

See the above....